About Catalin Cimpianu

Phd in Remote Sensing and GIS applied in hydrology and flood management, MSc in Geomatics and BSc in Spatial Planning at "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University from Iasi, Romania. Experience in using different geospatial software products, (ArcGIS Desktop, QGIS), data collection, spatial analysis, manipulation of geographical information, map creation, etc.
24 10, 2022

DEM creation using LASzip and ArcGIS Pro

By |2022-10-24T13:44:48+00:00October 24th, 2022|BLOG|0 Comments

In ArcGIS Pro you cannot open or add LAZ (.laz) files directly and display the point cloud data on the map. The LAZ (.laz) files need to be decompressed and converted to LAS (.las) files. One easy way to do that is to use the LASzip, a free open source product of rapidlasso GmbH. The [...]


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