ArcGIS is a platform that consists of many components, (developer tools, mobile and desktop applications), related between each other, ensuring integrated geospatial capabilities and functionalities which allow users to create, analyze, store, manage, edit and distribute geospatial data.

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ArcGIS Pro is a new professional desktop GIS application, that’s part of the ArcGIS for Desktop collection of software. With ArcGIS Pro, you can visualizeedit, and analyze your geographic data in both 2D and 3D, working with multiple data displays, maps, layouts, tables, and charts, all in a single project, keeping them open at the same time. ArcGIS Pro is a fully 64-bit, application that runs on Windows. It’s fast, incredibly powerful, and has a beautiful user interface.

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QGIS is an open source GIS application that supports viewing, editing, and analysis of geospatial data. From all open source GIS software products, QGIS is the best due to, its large online support community, which always favor up to date status, continuous development of new capabilities, easy integration with other open source packages and improved performance with each release.QGIS integrates with other open-source GIS packages, including PostGISGRASS GIS, and MapServer.


Web mapping is a technique that involves the usage of maps obtained by an geographical informational system with a web browser, facilitating user interaction and easy distribution of spatial information.

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